5 Anti-Aging Tips
Have you heard it said that ageing is a state of mind? In part, that’s probably true! It’s also a state of body. Here are some anti-ageing tips for both your mind and your body.
Keeping your skin supple and elastic is important for looking and feeling young. Many sources note the importance of eating fresh fruit for skin health. Not only does it contain antioxidants that help reduce the effects of aging – fresh fruit also helps your body produce and maintain collagen, the elastic protein that keeps skin supple. Citrus fruits and berries are said to be particularly effective. Fresh fruit also hydrates your body, an important aspect of looking younger.
In addition to eating fresh fruits, your skin may benefit from drinking water, too. Hydration of the skin starts from the inside, after all, and water helps flush out any toxins and impurities that may be building up in your system.
Exercise is important for all ages, so beware of thinking you don’t have to engage in it because you’re ageing! In fact, as you begin to grow older, exercise is essential. Here are some reasons why.
* Joint health is positively affected by proper exercise. Weight-bearing but low-impact exercises may be best, such as bike riding or low-impact aerobics – this is purported to reduce and prevent bone loss (which can result in osteoporosis). Also, movement of the joints helps keep them lubricated, reducing inflammation and the pain of arthritis.
* Excess weight gain can creep up on us as we age. Exercising regularly helps keep weight in check.
* Toning those areas most affected by age – the belly (in men) and the triceps (in women), for example, can help prevent the appearance of age.
Laughing and having fun can greatly reduce stress, sources say. And stress reduction helps you feel and look younger. So go ahead – dance around, listen to music from your college years, read a funny book or watch a funny movie – and laugh!
Get Adequate Sleep
Ever wonder why it’s called “beauty rest”? There’s a reason that adage came to be – getting enough sleep prevents rings, circles, and puffiness under the eyes and helps keep the face from having that saggy look associated with ageing.
A study has shown that Icelanders eat the most seafood of any population in the world, and, at 81, they also have one of the longest life expectancies. While most of us can’t practically replicate Icelanders’ consumption (220 pounds per person per year!), we can incorporate more seafood in our diets. Salmon is considered particularly healthy. Consider at least two meals a week that center around seafood.
Another anti-ageing diet tip is to steam your veggies, sources say. Steamed vegetables tend to reduce inflammation (which is associated with ageing), whereas fried or grilled vegetables may increase inflammation.