Fun for Free…All Summer Long

A trip to the movies. Then the amusement park. And the next day, the zoo. All that summer fun can really put a dent in the pocket book. Well, there’s darned good news. Plenty of summer fun can be had for free. Print out this list of 48 ideas and put it on the fridge…it might just be a lifesaver in your home.

And ahem…while some of these may seem they’re for kids only, join in. You’ll be amazed at how much fun you can have.

Picnic1. Go to the park and play on the playground
2. Have a picnic
3. Go on a hike
4. Go for a bike ride
5. Go for a nature walk
6. Go to the beach
7. Build a sandcastle or a whole sand town
8. Play a game of “I Spy with My Little Eye”
9. Take some photos
10. Make a movie
11. Visit the library
Water Fight12. Explore free activities in your community
13. Play a board game
14. Sidewalk chalk drawings
15. Hopscotch
16. Hide and seek
17. Play tag
18. Get out the Frisbee
19. Read a book
20. Write a story
21. Make a comic book
22. Backyard campout
23. Make a scrapbook
Sandcastle24. Invent a new Popsicle treat
25. Start a lemonade stand
26. Have a yard sale
27. Turn on the sprinkler
28. Wash the car…and don’t forget the water fight.
29. Skip rocks
30. Do some baking
31. Learn about the stars and then go find them that night
32. Press some flowers
33. Make your own puppets and put on a show
Draw Something34. Do some painting
35. Learn a magic trick
36. Write in a journal or diary
37. Cook a meal together
38. Volunteer for a worthy cause
39. Invite the neighbors over for a potluck
40. Find a free podcast on iTunes
41. Call Grandma and Grandpa
42. Build paper airplanes and then have a flying contest
43. Paint your nails
Fly a Kite44. Go foraging for berries
45. Check for free stuff
46. Make some handmade cards and then deliver them in person
47. Fly a kite
48. Draw Something

Getting in the habit of having free fun may take some conscious effort, but having this list at hand will make it a whole lot easier. Feel free to add your own family favorite activities and go have some fun!

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