How to Be Efficient in the Kitchen – Tips!

My mother taught me good cooking habits from the time I started cooking. I didn’t always follow through in my young years, but I did listen and can keep things under control while cooking a bunch of things at once. My husband, on the other hand, did not have such teachings from his mother and it looks like a tornado hit when he cooks.

But I guess I shouldn’t complain. He makes very delicious meals and he’s getting a little more organized as the years pass. Here’s the advice I gave him:

  • Read a recipe the whole way through before starting. This will help prevent mistakes along the way.
  • When working on a recipe, measure and prepare all your ingredients fist. It makes it easier to follow the recipe and clean up.
  • Clean as you cook and your job will go much faster from cooking to eating to clean up (he hates that tip!).
  • Make clean up after a meal easier. Start with an empty dishwasher.

Also remember, a well-organized kitchen is a great time saver. Keep frequently used items easily accessible and store like items together.

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